Archer supplies an extensive range of conventional, premium and specialized rental equipment for land drilling operations in Argentina and Bolivia.
Archer rents a variety of standard and specialized equipment used in Land Drilling, as well as for completion and workover applications. We have built a reputation for providing customers with the highest quality equipment at competitive costs, excellent service and adherence to the highest health, safety and environmental standards.
Standard Rental Tool Equipment:
Our inventory of standard rental tool equipment includes: drill pipe, heavy weights, and drill collars. Additionally, Archer offers a full selection of handling and support equipment for all of our tubular products and a large selection of pressure control equipment that supports this.
Archer also helps its customers to minimize investment and inventory costs providing the highest quality rental equipment and accessories, including:
- Drilling Strings (Drill pipes; Heavy Weights; Drill Collars; Drilling Tubular Accessories; etc.)
- Rig Components (Mud/Water Pumps; Mud/Water Tanks; Engines and Generators; Fuel Storage Tanks; Mud Gas Separators; Manifolds; Accumulators; Blow Out Preventers; etc.);
- Handling Tools & Accessories (Elevators; Spiders; Slips; Manual/Power Tongs; etc.)
Buenos Aires – Argentina
Juan Marcos Magnoni
Commercial Manager, DLS Argentina
Cel: +54 11 5315 1622